
Friday, May 26, 2023

Milano Conference by Eliante and GOJAGE

Un cane dorato si aggira per l’Europa 

Larynx of the Golden Jackal, Estonia 28.03.2013

Photo: Tea Oacheș

by Eliante (news)


Un’iniziativa di studio e divulgazione a Milano sull’espansione dello Sciacallo dorato.

27 maggio 2023, ore 17:00
Via San Vittore 49, Milano
Ingresso libero

Un nuovo carnivoro si affaccia in Italia e in Europa, grazie ad un processo di espansione del tutto naturale: si tratta dello Sciacallo dorato (Canis aureus), che grazie alle sue notevoli capacità di adattamento sta colonizzando nuove aree ad una velocità davvero sorprendente.
Probabilmente, nei prossimi anni sentiremo parlare sempre più spesso di questa specie, per questo, Eliante ha organizzato un’iniziativa di studio e divulgazione rivolta sia a specialisti che al grande pubblico, che prevede la realizzazione di un opuscolo informativo e di un convegno. In quest’ultimo, biologi, zoologi e antropologi offriranno una prospettiva sulle caratteristiche di questa specie, sulla sua espansione in Italia e in Europa, e sugli aspetti sociali e culturali ad essa legati.

Presentation Maria Benciolini, Eliante Italia 

Presentation Luca Lapini, GOJAGE Italia

Presentation Ovidiu C. Banea, GOJAGE Romania

Mauro Belardi moderated last Saturday a conference on Golden Jackal distribution in Italy and Europe where anthropologist Maria Benciolini (Eliante), zoologist Luca Lapini (NHM Udine), and environmental ecologist Ovidiu Banea (Crispus NGO Sibiu) discussed on public attitude and perception of people towards golden jackal, the distribution of #Canisaureus in Europe and Italy, and evolution of population dynamic of the golden jackal in our regions.
In the end, two models of conservation were discussed from the perspective of total culling with harvest quotas overpassing 85% in Romania, which drives more and more densities and stock assessment (This year in Romania are planned to be killed 24.000 specimens from 28.000 which are alive) and from the perspective of total conservation as in Italy, where the species is fully protected by Law 92 (This year in Italy the Golden Jackal reached a total number of less than 300-350 individuals).

First Golden Jackal was shot in Italy in 1984, and one-year later reproduction was proven, while in Romania, the first reproduction of the last dispersion was proved at Negureni, in South Dobrudja in the same year (1984).

Why the evolution of the Golden Jackal population is so different in these two countries remains unknown, but one thing came to light, now: The aggressive attitude and hunting are discussable for their effectiveness while the conservation of territorial groups with dominant pairs seems to show constant densities at the local level.

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