Maj, a GPS-collared Golden Jackal from Slovenia arrived at a Ski-Resort in Austria
The Golden Jackal is roaming now 125 km away from the place where it was captured. The dispersion started at the beginning of November 2023.
News from Dr Hubert POTOČNIK,
GOJAGE Slovenia
Research Group for Animal Ecology
Biotechnical Faculty, Department of Biology
Ljubljana Slovenia
"The Golden Jackal, named Maj by the hunter who helped in his catch, was collared on 21st of June 2023. It is a young male of one year and a half old. The jackal was captured as a bycatch within the LIFE Wolfalps EU project while capturing/collaring wolves in the wolf pack territory on Pokljuka Mt. plateau in the Julian Alps (1400 - 1600 m a.s.l.). The largest straight line distance between the locations of his movement is about 120 km, if we don't account for relief altitude. However, after he held some temporary - transient territories he started with dispersal at the beginning of November and traveled around 140 km (straight-line distances between points) which means more than 280 km on the relief.
Data: Dr. Hubert Potočnik, 30.11.2023
Pokljuka is a 20 km long and 18 km wide alpine plateau located in the Triglav National Park between Bled and Bohinj. It is covered with pine tree forests and pastures and spans at the altitude which ranges from 1100 to 1400 m above sea level. Source: finestayslovenia
At capture we obtained a genetic sample, however, we haven't analyzed it yet, but we expect it originates from the Panonnian population as the great majority of jackals in Slovenia (~95%).
The altitudes he crossed were about 1760m when crossing the Karawanken on entering Austria (14-15.11.) and the highest altitude at Millstatt Alps1950m he reached the ski-slope area at Katschberg and has been staying currently a bit south of it for now. "
Data: Dr. Hubert Potočnik, 30.11.2023
The Golden Jackal is now near a Ski Resort area, Katschberg, close to the village of Katschberghöhe which unites two Austrian federal states, Carinthia and Salzburg.
Katschberg, Austria
Dr Jennifer Hatlauf, a GOJAGE member from Austria and researcher at Die Universität für Bodenkultur Wien (BOKU) announced that this unique feature represents an opportunity to get more insight into the Golden Jackal behavior and it is not clear if this individual is only crossing the country or it establishes a permanent settlement in Austria: „Die Beobachtung dieses jungen männlichen Schakals von Slowenien nach Österreich bieteteinzigartige Einblicke in die Verhaltensmuster und Anpassungsfähigkeit der Art. Es bleibt jetzt zu beobachten, ob das Tier Österreich nur durchquert, oder es als seinen dauerhaften Lebensraum auswählt.“ Source: BOKU
For now, the Golden Jackal made a U-turn and stopped at the Ski-resort! Did he find a mate?
A Golden Jackal male walked from Pokljuka to Katschberg in the last three weeks!